Hello and welcome to simply wholesome home. A place where I share about nourishing food, natural living, DIYs, encouraging resources and tips on raising healthy, happy kids from an occupational therapist’s perspective.

My name is Danae an I am the creator behind simply wholesome home. I am a child of God, wife, mother and occupational therapist. Simply Wholesome Home is dedicated to supporting women to create a wholesome home and finding joy in raising kids, nourishing food and natural living. I hope you will find encouragement, inspiration and community here!
why wholesome?
Why wholesome? by definition wholesome means: promoting health or well-being of mind or spirit (Merriam Webster Dictionary 2020). I believe being wholesome means balancing your health, relationships and growing in your faith daily. As a new Mum transitioning from a professional position into motherhood was a big change for me. By God’s grace, I have found so much joy in being a stay at home Mum.
From the view of an Occupational Therapist and health enthusiast am so passionate about sharing wholesome living and child development information with you all. There is so much value in supporting healthy development and want to encourage you all in this.

The role of homemaker is an important, God-given task; looking after our homes and raising our children is integral to supporting healthy communities and wholesome living.
We live in a tumultuous world that is constantly changing. As women we are supporting our husbands and raising our children to fear God, develop healthy relationships and grow in mind body and spirit. Building warm, healthy environments at home is such a wonderful task. We are providing a place of learning, growing, and loving.
Sometimes this task may feel overwhelming or uninspired. But I believe being healthy and creating a wholesome home shouldn’t be so complicated. I aspire to keep things down to earth, simple and real as we stumble along together through this wonderful chapter. Simply Wholesome Home is here to help you to create a wholesome home for your family!
Occupational Therapist
As an Occupational Therapist I have learned the value in looking after our bodies and living a balanced life. Through my experience working with children I have seen the positive impact that nourishing food and wholesome experiences has on development. I am determined to share well grounded information with you. I will provide simple ideas, solutions and activities to assist you in raising your children. It is my hope that we can create a community of knowledge, learning and sharing together.
What will you find here:
At simply wholesome home you will find nourishing recipes, handmade and DIY projects, information about child development and raising kids. Come along with me and share in our simple, joyful life!
A few fun facts about me!

I was born in British Columbia Canada, I have lived in 3 countries across my lifespan, Canada, America and now settled in Perth, Western Australia.
I am happily married to my husband Leroy and we have a beautiful son name Jack Isaiah. My husband and I are both therapists, he works as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist.
I received my university degree in Occupational Therapy at Curtin University, I am experienced in working with children specialising in feeding difficulties and behaviour support. The past few years I worked in the community with people with disability.
My favourite past times are going to the beach with my family, home cooking, DIY’s and thrifting, catching up for coffee with dear friends and family, and listening to wholesome podcasts. I recently started sewing and love to grow my own food
I love doing Bible study with friends in my Church community, we are building close relationships and encouraging each other in God’s word.
My next project is raising backyard chickens, stay tuned…….!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Follow along as I share my favourite, real food recipes, fun DIY’s and homemaking ideas, information about child development and inspire you to start your wholesome journey! View our Privacy and Disclosure statement here.