Inflammation is a root cause to so many of our chronic conditions including arthritis, skin conditions, IBS and hormone imbalance.

Inflammation is a healthy immune response. We can sometimes trigger the inflammatory response outside of normal events such as infection. This response can be triggered inappropriately through diet, stress and more. Ongoing inflammatory response causes damage to our body structures over time. We all experience inflammation, but it is important to help balance our bodies responses and support our immune system.
My Story
Inflammation has impacted my life and my family in several different areas. For me, I experience PCOS causing fertility challenges, acne, bloating and weight fluctuation. My son experiences atopic dermatitis a form of infant eczema. My husband also experiences rosacea and tergian. Through diet changes, specific natural supplements and lifestyle balance our inflammation can be managed.
What is Inflammation?
Inflammation is a natural body response to fight off things like viruses and infections alongside our white blood cells. However, we are talking about inflammation in our bodies that presents when these things are not present. Your immune system acts as as if regular tissues are infected. This can cause damage to them. It can be acute (injury or infections) or chronic (heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, asthma).
Symptoms of inflammation include:
- Redness
- Joint pain
- Swelling
- Muscle stiffness
- Flu like symptoms (fever, chills, fatigue, loss of energy, headaches, and decrease in appetite)
Inflammation can trigger white blood cells to pool in certain areas of the body increasing blood flow. This causes the area to be warm and some swelling may occur. High numbers of white blood cells can cause irritation, swelling of the joint lining triggers nerves causing pain and loss of cartilage.
How does stress impact inflammation?
When we are under mental stress we can increase our inflammation. This could be when we feel challenged or threatened. The body releases stress hormones as part of the “fight-or-flight” response. This is not necessarily bad. However, stress hormones also stimulate our inflammatory response. If we are under stress frequently it may cause the body to trigger to maintain a ongoing inflammatory response.
Stress also can wreak havoc with the hormone cortisol, which helps control the inflammatory response. When people are stressed, it dampens cortisol’s ability to regulate inflammation.
Main Reasons for increased inflammation in our bodies:
- Toxins – in food, cleaning products, make up and plastics
- Diet – Processed foods, low nutrients, inflammatory foods
- Stress – As per the above
- Lack of, or to much movement
A word on Plastics
Plastics are the highest level of toxin recorded in the body. Therefore, we should really be paying more attention to the amount of plastics we use. This is news to me and I am learning the impact it is having on my body! Microplastics are in so much of what we eat, and the environments we are in. Unfortunatly, we cannot complete rid ourselves from using plastics. Instead we can decrase the amount of plastics we use by making simple swaps over time.
For example, swap your lunch container to glass, once your plastic begins to degrade, recycle it and replace it with glass or stainless steel. You can swap your water bottle to glass or stainless steel. Consider shopping at bulk food stores and bring your own glass containers. There is so much plastic in our lives but little swaps like this can make a difference !
Steps to decrease inflammation:
Decreasing inflammation is so important for overall health. Focus on small goals for 1 -2 months at a time and then move to the next goal. Remember, if something is to overwhelming it will cause us more stress and decrease our ability to maintain this change.
Maybe this week you buy 1 glass container that’s an absolute win!!! Check out my practical step by step guide to decreasing inflammation below !
- Sheradyn Functional Nutritionist
- The Book Fiber Fueled – Dr Will B.
- Check him out on Instagram – @theguthealthmd
- Amy Myers Autoimmune Doctor (Great articles on her website)
- Chris Kresser – Healing Leaky Gut (and other great articles & information)
- All your period questions – Lara Briden
- The Period Repair Manual
- Instagram – @larabriden
- If you’re a female that is an A-Type (like Danae & myself) – Check out Rushing Woman’s Syndrome by Dr Libby Weaver.
- Its practical, informative and I think so many of you will be able to relate to her wisdom, helpful tips and how inflammation may be coming from your busy life.
- Lisa Hendrickson Jack
- Fertility Friday Podcast – this was my go to for understanding INFERTILITY, PCOS, Inflammation and Women’s Health
- The Fifth Vital Sign – her amazing Book on Women’s REPRODUCTIVE health
- The Weston a. Price Foundation – The Wise TRADITIONS podcast, nourishing traditions COOKBOOK and their 11 steps to eating a better diet!
- Jo Whitton and Sarah Wilson have some amazing recipes and advice for eating a whole food diet! (Iquit Sugar and Simplicious Flow) (The Life Changing Food Cookbook, and Quirky Cooking Cookbook and podcast).
- Simply Living Well Book by Julia Watkins outlines practical swaps to detoxify your home!
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