Positive Caesarean Section Birth Story. Peaceful, supportive, beautiful cesarean section birth story of our son Jack Isaiah. This was an unexpected and surprising birth to say the least.

Today I am sharing our positive caesarean section birth story of our son Jack Isaiah Dekker. It was a beautiful and unexpected adventure and I am thankful to God for making all things well!
Our journey to Birth
Jack Isaiah was prayed for and dreamt of for a few years before he made his appearance. Read all about our journey through infertility here. When we fell pregnant we were overjoyed and very committed to supporting healthy pregnancy. We were supported by our Naturopath Natalie Pickering, our midwives Teagan and Gemma at the Family Birth Centre Fiona Stanley Hospital and by our friends and family. We attended an active birth class as well as prenatal exercise classes in preparation for birth and delivery of our son. I had my hospital bags packed at 36 weeks. I felt calm, excited and read for this new life to come into the world! Read all about preparing for birth here.
The lead up to Labour
I feel it would be helpful to understand the context of labour. Yes, I was packed early but this was not without reason. I knew that from 37 weeks labour and birth could be any day. We had also planned a week long camping trip down south (3 hours from the birth centre). For me knowing I had the essentials ready for labour and delivery gave me so much peace of mind. I finished full time work as an Occupational Therapist 4 weeks before my due date. A few days later we left for camping. After a relaxing week of boating, fishing and swimming we returned home on friday afternoon. We officially decided on our boy name on the car ride back home =).
The next day we spent the day unpacking, relaxing. I had it in my head that I had 3 more weeks to sort out the house and all the last minute cleaning odds and ends. We had just had cupboards installed so there were several rooms in upheaval at this point. While we were away my sister in law had her son and we hoped to go to Bunbury on Sunday for the baptism. So this is really the stage for Jack’s birth day.
Early Labour
I woke up around 6:45 to the feeling of wetness down below. It wasn’t the dramatic gush many talk about but definitely clear leaking. I noticed it but thought, don’t get to excited yet. I jumped in the shower and within 15 min very mild tightenings began across my abdomen. That’s when I told Leroy what was going on. This could be it. But we are still in the early stages so let’s get on with our plans for the day. We both got ready loaded into the car along with a dresser to bring to our other sister and off we went to Bunbury. I was greeted with the bloody show and I lost what I think to be my mucus plug before we left.
Along the way fairly consistent contractions continued. I wasn’t timing at this point. I remember the first strong contraction, squeezing the hand rail and tears pricking my eyes. This was about 30min after we left home. Things seemed to be progressing fairly quickly. But I just thought we could be at this for 30 hours why head home now…….silly me.
By about 45min into our 1.25 hour drive we stopped to use the restroom. Let me warn you, public toilets are no place for contractions. Not only were these contractions quite intense they made me throw up which is not nice in a public space. But still naive me decided let’s get to Bunbury. By the time we were 5 min from Bunbury Church my contractions were fairly regular and intense. Especially sitting in a car passenger seat. So we made the call. There was no way I could sit through a hour and a bit church service. So back home we went. Wow what an adventure looking back now!
Labouring at home
We returned home and for me walking and moving was the best way to keep contractions manageable. Also I couldn’t stand the thought of a messy house, baby room. So we spent some time tidying up, packing the car for hospital and getting things organised. Our plan to birth and the family birthing centre meant that after 4-6 hours post delivery you are going home with your baby. I did not want to be in a pigsty!
Once things were fairly organised, I am sure we ate somewhere in there, we decided to walk to the beach. This was such a fun and adventurous walk. In our neighbourhood we walk past 3 of our friends/family member’s homes in order to reach the beach. Both on the way there and on the way back I had to stop directly in front of a friends house for a long and strong contraction. By this point contractions were about 7min apart with 1 strong and one less strong contraction.
At home, I laboured on the fit ball and decided to call our midwife to update her on how we were going. At the time I only counted the really strong contractions, the ones I couldn’t talk through as ‘real’ contractions. My midwife encouraged us to keep labouring at home. It was so fantastic to have her only a text or phone call away to reassure us in the process.

Things are beginning to get serious
Around 3:00 I told Leroy to head to afternoon Church service as I felt I could manage at home. I hopped in the bath to relax there. Well I was wrong. Just 15min later I called Leroy to come home. Contractions were getting pretty intense now and I didn’t want to work through them alone. Leroy supported me through a couple more hours and even picked up some chicken soup for dinner. I wanted to keep nourishing my body but as I vomit fairly regularly in labour only smoothies or soups were a realistic option.
Heading to Hospital
By 5:30-6 we were looking to head to the hospital. My contractions were 3-4 minutes apart lasting 40-60 seconds. We live 50min from the birth centre (which is built in the hospital) so I didn’t want to wait much longer to head in knowing we had a long car ride ahead. Our third car ride for the day. By 6:15 we headed to the hospital and arrived just after 7pm.
When we got there I was getting contractions 1-2 min apart lasting a minute and vomiting on nearly every one. Our midwife immediately began filling the bath (we had hoped for a water birth). She then requested to do an internal exam. I measured 7-10 cm dilation. I was so excited! However, She was a little confused as although I was dilated the ‘head’ didn’t seem fully engaged and was very squishy feeling. She brought in a doctor and an ultrasound machine, then another doctor came. It took about 5 people to figure out that Jack was breech and his bum wasn’t descending into my pelvis.
Decisions and Change – Positive Caesarean Section Birth Story
As soon as the doctors confirmed he was breech, I remember feeling very calm. Ok, so what do we do? I didn’t know how to have a breech baby. On my right side the doctor with the ultrasound wand was saying “I need her to stop contracting” “We need to do a Emergency Cesarean”. On my left the other doctor patiently discussed options with my husband. Jack was not in any sort of danger at this point. This is when I believe I entered transition. My contractions were coming very regular and intense. I was being asked to sign papers and put on monitors. It was very overwhelming. The doctor that was communicating with me spoke as if I didn’t hear or understand her it was more commands and information rather than a discussion.

Finally, all the doctors left to prepare for the impending cesarean section. We were still in debate. Should we try for a natural breech? For me I was concerned about the baby’s lack of oxygen with is a risk you take with breech delivery. Conditions like Cerebral Palsy which was a very real diagnosis in my work were constantly in my head.
Positive CESAREAN Section Birth Experience
Long story short we were getting ready to go to theatre. The second doctor met us in the hallway and explained more clearly to me what our options were. When in theatre I requested they check me again to determine if he was not descending. I refused the epidural until this had happened. Our midwife advocated for us. The team was fantastic and even cleared the theatre to allow Leroy and I to make our final decision.
It definitely wasn’t easy and all the dreams of natural birth were being dashed. I knew all of the research regarding the risk of caesareans the benefits of natural birth and it was hard for me to give that up. However, the operating team and my midwife was really great. We requested they delay cord clamping as much as possible. We asked for immediate skin to skin, Jack was not to be whisked away for weighing etc unless absolutely life threatening circumstances needed it. Jack was to be given oral vitamin K instead of an injection amongst other things. With minimal resistance to our requests and the full advocacy and support of our midwife they began the procedure.
Positive Caesarean Section Birth CESAREAN SEction Experience
I was given a spinal epidural and within a few minutes they were cutting me open to get Jack out. They delivered his legs first. I wanted to watch but its probably better I didn’t. Our midwife said it will be finished very soon. However, Jack’s head was jammed right up under my ribs. The surgeon had to put his fingers in Jack’s mouth to pull him free. The whole process of delivering his head took 2minutes. This really solidified our decision as it would have been very tricky to push Jack our backwards with his head suctioned up under my ribs. Jack Isaiah Dekker was born at 9:55pm on the 29th of December 2019. He was 7.4 pounds and measured 50cm in length. Very healthy for 3 weeks early!

Post Birth
That night and days following were a blur of cuddles, emotions and making memories to last a lifetime. For me it was coming to grips with the long term consequences of having a C-section including limiting my birth options for future children, increased risk of uterine rupture and the long recovery ahead. This was an emotional rollercoaster but we had so much support along the way.
We are so thankful to our heavenly Father for his care and constant guidance in this pregnancy, birth and delivery. Jack is now 14months old and thriving. He is going to be a big brother this July. Despite some difficulties and resistance we are hoping for midwife led care and a natural birth for this next little one. You can follow along with my pregnancy journey on instagram.
Read all about how to prepare for birth here.

I hope through hearing our positive caesarean section birth story you are encouraged that despite unexpected birth it was still beautiful!
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